Photo borrowed from article at Fyens Stiftstidende

Our agencies include beer, wine, and spirits, and are based on collaborations with ambitions for quality and trust.

As an agent, we draw on our broad knowledge of not only the Nordic industry, but also the network we have in many countries in and outside Europe.

This means that, as an agency, we provide sharp analyzes of the product’s possible place in a potential market, and at the same time have a business understanding of the manufacturer’s conditions.

Our market understanding of the Nordic and other European markets makes us an attractive business partner with a network created over more than 25 years.

W. & S. Direct DK has its finger on the pulse in relation to market trends, and from stays in France, Spain and Germany, among others, has a through Knowledge of the producers’ conditions and possibilities.

With W. & S. Direct DK as an agency, you get a collaboration with close relationships and a high professional level. An agent with a focus on experience, knowledge and constant focus on development and opportunities.